
Photo by Joshua Lanzarini on Unsplash
Seed. About this time of the year folks began to think about planting seeds. Could be seeds that will produce a harvest that can go to market. It can be a seed that would produce beautiful flowers that would grace our yards and tables. We remove seeds from whole fruit so that the meat can go into our salads or fruit bowls. We also talk about planting seeds of suggestion in the minds of those to whom we speak. Hopefully, those “thought seeds” will develop into positive directions. The most wonderful seeds that we can “plant” are the seeds centered around Jesus and His love!

The scripture for today comes from Acts 10:1-8. The text for us is verse 4 which says, “and he stared at him in terror and said, ‘What is it, Lord?’” Cornelius had just seen a vision of an angel standing before him. Cornelius’ goodness had come before God who was about to use this man in a great way. The angel revealed that God had seen his gifts for the needy and heard his prayers. Cornelius was to send for Peter. Thus, seeds were to be planted that would result in Gentiles hearing about Jesus. Further, seeds would be planted in Peter’s mind concerning the eating of foods, previously believed unclean. (“What God has cleansed you must not call common”) verse 15.

Where do your “seed thoughts” come from? Is there something in your devotions for today that captured your spiritual interest? Did you see something on the way to work that struck an idea for service projects? Did you receive an insight for a prayer? Seeds abound, who knows when God will lead you into a positive direction blessing someone with His love!

Written by Pastor Tommy Markham

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